Every client is unique. We design and implement solutions designed to meet specific challenges although we market and integrate two complementary branded programmes. One creates an effective leadership operating model for dynamic business environments, the other builds the cohesive teams you need to implement strategy effectively.

Our branded products
We’re focussed on strategy execution. Business strategy is developed and implemented by people, working in teams. Our two branded products focus on better strategy, better execution, and better teams. We integrate these approaches into many of the solutions we develop and implement. They are super-complementary because high-performance teamwork is a prerequisite for high-performance strategy execution!
Leading through Intent
- Leading through Intent combines leader practices and behaviors to create an effective leadership operating model for dynamic business environments. We have been pioneering this approach in business since 2001 with Stephen Bungay, author of The Art of Action. It’s been adopted by a wide range of clients and is particularly popular in organizations finding themselves under pressure in a rapidly changing world.
Five Behaviors
- Five Behaviors brings to life the true power of teamwork through a proven, transformational learning experience. The solution combines the framework of Patrick Lencioni’s ground-breaking model for teamwork with personalized insights to create a powerful and authentic team development solution.
To discover more please ‘click through’ to read about these solutions.